恭喜D團隊以下優秀夥伴 獲得 2011年 Vemmabuilder 維瑪創業家 第13週 VB獎金

『團隊公告』 狂賀 以下3位夥伴獲得上週VB獎金

在vemma 所有美金匯率是 1:33

恭喜 華榕 張 獲得 VB 獎金 $美金625 =20625

恭喜 妤蓁 任 獲得 VB 獎金 $美金250 =8250

恭喜 彥良 郭 獲得 VB 獎金 $美金200 =6600


Let's hear it for 華榕 張 and Rasyihah Shamsudin, whose 
slam-dunk marketing prowess gained $625 each in their 
2-way tie for first place with a praiseworthy 11 new, 
personally enrolled Members in the third 7-day cycle

妤蓁 任s adroit sales pitches gained a 2-way 
tie for third place and $250 each with 7 personally 
enrolled new Members from March 11 through March 17

Eighth Place $200 to 彥良 郭 with 5 Members



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